  • Educational Resources for You & Your Family

Coping & Support

Receiving the diagnosis of IBD can be hard, especially when the disease is active. It is normal to feel anxious about the changes going on in your body. Having IBD can impact many areas of your life, including daily activities, social activities, body functions, health management, energy, emotions and sense of control.

Managing a chronic disease goes beyond physical symptoms. Knowing positive ways to cope, manage stress, deal with emotions and stay connected to social supports is important for IBD management. Coping with the stress associated with IBD, like lack of sleep, mood changes, anxiety and depression, can greatly improve quality of life. Although IBD is a chronic disease that has periods of remission and relapse, most people have a normal life span and many have a good quality of life. For those who have chronic and continuing symptoms, the following apply:

  • Know your body and how IBD affects you.
  • Learn to care for yourself and have control over the things you can control.
  • Develop a support system that works for you: family, friends and support groups.
  • Be sure to follow instructions from your medical team.

Learn more about how to cope when living with IBD

Where to find us

9th Floor Victoria Building
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 2Y5

Fax: 902-473-4406